Dive into Sapphic History: Meet the Bold Gladys Bentley

From Eden's Desk

Dearest Readers,

I can't believe it's the middle of June already! Time seems to be slipping through my fingers like fine sand. The 21st is hurtling toward me like a runaway train—that's launch day for the new book, in case you haven't heard!

My desk is currently a chaotic reflection of this final sprint to the finish line. Picture a lap table crammed with my laptop, notes scribbled on scraps of paper threatening to take flight with the slightest breeze, and enough empty Coca-Cola bottles to build a miniature ship. Bridgerton is paused mid-episode (gasp!), replaced by the relentless blinking cursor demanding my attention. The calm seas of "tranquil pre-launch hibernation" are still a few days away. Monday evening, my friends, Monday evening. That's when the manuscript is finally out of my hands and I can exhale.

Ironically, the 25th marks another milestone: the anniversary of my very first published work. I won't be getting off the boat to celebrate, but perhaps a celebratory dinner brought in is in order. A little reward for surviving another launch and reaching this point in the journey.

Until then, I'm sending you all good vibes and a virtual ice-cold Coke—cheers!



Tides of Captivation Coming out June 21st.

Tides of Captivation

From Virginia's darling to daring pirate. What could go wrong?

An Epic Sapphic Pirate Adventure

Sapphic History:

Meet Gladys Bentley

Gladys Bentley wasn't your typical Harlem Renaissance performer. While others crooned love ballads, Bentley, clad in a tuxedo and top hat, pounded the piano and belted out raucous blues, her lyrics laced with suggestive double entendres aimed at the women in the audience. A self-proclaimed "bulldagger," Bentley's unapologetic queerness and masculine presentation challenged the social norms of the 1920s, making her a beacon for Harlem's burgeoning LGBTQ community.

Bentley's fame extended beyond Harlem, but her career took a controversial turn in 1952 when she published "I Am a Woman Again," claiming to have been "cured" of her lesbianism. This article, rife with inaccuracies, was likely a calculated move to avoid persecution during the McCarthy era. Despite the claim, Bentley continued performing in her signature style and maintaining relationships with women, proving her defiance extended beyond her powerful voice and onstage persona.

Though her legacy was overshadowed for decades, Gladys Bentley is now recognized as a pivotal figure in both the Harlem Renaissance and LGBTQ history. Her unapologetic embrace of her identity paved the way for greater visibility and challenged restrictive gender norms, inspiring generations of artists and activists to live authentically and fight for equality.

Thank you for spending part of your day with me,


In the meantime, if you'd like a little more connection between newsletters, you can find me on Instagram (​@edenhopewell_sapphicauthor​) and TikTok ​@edenhopewell​.

800 35th st Ocean, Marathon, FL 33050
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Eden Hopewell

I'm a author who loves to talk about writing & storytelling, history, and fiction. Subscribe to my newsletter.

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