
Eden Hopewell

I'm a author who loves to talk about writing & storytelling, history, and fiction. Subscribe to my newsletter.

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Confessions of a (Slightly) Burnt-Out Author

From Eden's Desk Hey there, readers! August has been… interesting, to say the least. If I’m being honest, Im enjoying a much-needed break. My entire family headed off for a reunion, and for the sake of my mental well-being, I opted out. Navigating family dynamics can be tough, especially when it involves setting boundaries with people you love. So, I’ve been taking advantage of the quiet time to recharge. That means slow, intentional cleaning (battling the cats for supremacy, of course... and...

From Eden's Desk Dearest Readers, July, it was... something else. 😅 Between battling a stubborn illness, coaxing my phone back from an accidental charging snafu, and navigating some emotionally bumpy seas on the personal front, let's just say I'm welcoming August with open arms (and maybe a little extra caffeine). Anyone else ever feel like that? Life has a knack for throwing those unexpected plot twists our way, testing our resilience and reminding us that sometimes, survival is a victory in...

New Book Release Tides of Captivation Remember those stories we devoured as kids? The ones that transported us to faraway lands, filled with pirates and treasure, forbidden love, and daring escapes? The ones that made our hearts race and our imaginations soar? pirates and treasure, forbidden love, and daring escapes I wrote "Tides of Captivation" for those of us who never stopped yearning for that kind of adventure. It's the story of Isabella Montgomery, a young woman trapped in a gilded cage...

From Eden's Desk Dearest Readers, I can't believe it's the middle of June already! Time seems to be slipping through my fingers like fine sand. The 21st is hurtling toward me like a runaway train—that's launch day for the new book, in case you haven't heard! My desk is currently a chaotic reflection of this final sprint to the finish line. Picture a lap table crammed with my laptop, notes scribbled on scraps of paper threatening to take flight with the slightest breeze, and enough empty...

From Eden's Desk Dearest Readers, As we step into June, the air vibrates with the energy of Pride Month! This month holds a special significance for me, as it's a time to reflect on the journeys of countless Sapphic women who have paved the way for greater visibility and acceptance. It's a time to celebrate our identities, embrace our stories, and uplift one another. What does Pride Month mean to you? I'd love to hear your reflections in the comments! With love and appreciation, Eden Sales,...